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    R Lucas

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  1. rlucas

    PZL-5 Modelarz

    Hi all, Many thanks for all the hints and pointers! It is veyr much appreciated. I tried the OLX link, but they were already sold. In the meantime I found another option maybe, but waiting to see if there the drawings with the magazine. I see in the chomikuj link that there are indeed a lot of interesting drawings! I will look further! Best regards and happy modelling, Lucas
  2. rlucas

    PZL-5 Modelarz

    Hello Andrzej, Many thanks for your reply! In the meantime I found out it was published in numbers 7-8-9 of Modelarz. I also wouldn't mind to buy those issues otherwise, but I don't find a webshop where they are still for sale (makes sense). Allegro is not possible to use from other country... Best regards, Lucas
  3. rlucas

    PZL-5 Modelarz

    Hello all, New to this forum, I found it after looking for drawings of the PZL-5. I am very interested in polish airplanes from the time 1920 -1940. I built flying models as well. I noticed that maybe in the polish magazine "Modelarz" from 2009 articles on the PZL-5 were published; I tried to find these only but didn;t manage yet. Does some have these articles maybe digitally? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Lucas With translator (for me how to read this forum ) Witam wszystkich, Jestem nowy na tym forum, znalazłem je szukając rysunków PZL-5. Bardzo interesuję się polskimi samolotami z lat 1920-1940. Budowałem również modele latające. Zauważyłem, że być może w polskim czasopiśmie "Modelarz" z 2009 roku były publikowane artykuły na temat PZL-5; próbowałem je znaleźć, ale nie udało mi się. Czy ktoś ma może te artykuły w wersji cyfrowej? Z góry dziękuję! Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Lucas Przetłumaczono z (wersja darmowa)
  4. Hi all, New to this forum; I am from the Netherlands. I am modeller and historian in aviation between 1919 and 1940. I have strong interest in polish aviation from this period and have a lot of books about this time. Looking forward to see on this forum things from this era! Many thanks, BEst regards, Roel
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