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E-SKY 0404 - wejście sygnału PPM


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Czy ktoś z Was orientuje się gdzie w E-SKY 0404 jest wejście sygnału PPM? Wiem z którego pinu PPM wychodzi, a na który pin należy podać PPM aby zrobić kabel trener – uczeń?

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4 Channel eSky FM-PPM TX with Trainer output

Trainer to DB9 Serial SIM Cable


The Cable is wired as follows:


Trainer side (mini Din) -----------DB9-----------Signal Type

Pin 1--Black---------------------Pin 7-----------RTS

Pin 2--White--------------------Pin 2------------RX Data

Pin 3--Orange-------------------Pin 3------------TX Data

Pin 4--Green--------------------Pin 5------------Signal Ground


I found the signal is caried on Pin 1 and ground on Pin 2 of the mini-din connector.


Trainer Jack Wiring:


Pin 1-----------No Connection

Pin 2-----------3.6V to 4V depending on stick position (Data?)

Pin 3---------- 1.51 to 1.54V depending on stick position (Data?)

Pin 4---------- 9.46 VDC (Battery Voltage? Power to Trainer?)



Since the cable had it's ground wired to one of the pins, there would be no ground reference using it with a trainer jack that has ground on the shell only.


I bridged the shell connection and the unused Pin 1 connection together on the trainer PCB in the TX. Then I wired the DB9 to accept data on Pin 2 and Ground on Pin 5. The other 2 wires were insulated with heatshrink tubing and not used.


At this point, I could read data using PPCOM, but no valid sync byte.


Am I getting close?


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