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0 Neutral

O insomaniac45

  • Urodziny 26.02.1983

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  • Skąd
    Eastleigh - Hampshire
  • Imię
  1. Hi guys, Sorry for the lack of progress. I have been too busy with life at the moment. There has been a slight development in the build though. I found out from the person this kit actually belonged to that he has in fact built the first 16 issues. He is currently pulling them from his loft . I will still build this fuse, as it will most likely be lighter than his. Plus it will be easier for me to implement the modifications on the bare fuse. Tony.
  2. I see now, i had not seen the 2 hooks mounted to the air frame, or the little latch. I think i will fashion something similar. and you are probably right, having the hatch removable is a better choice. i am hoping to make more progress on it today, weather here is grey and miserable. So once some housework is done, i may be able to get the knives and sandpaper out . Tony.
  3. Wow duke, she is a beautiful plane. It has just occurred to me the issue i would have with the front pins, i would have to have a large gap at the back of the hatch so i could rotate it upwards. i do not like the idea of a hatch that could come off mid flight, so i want to go down a more mechanical route, maybe something similar to yours duke, but with it hinged like a door, and some sort of latch to keep it in place once shut. As i do intend to have as much air pass through to cool the battery and ESC as possible, Idfx pm sent
  4. Thanks Dukeroger. I will be modifying that when i have the majority of the fuse built. it will be done almost the same as Kesto has done. Why change what works but instead of 2 sets of magnets holding it down, i intend to use a set of retaining dowels in the front, then magnets in the rear. but still opening up the exhausts fully once i have their location, this is for adding air flow.
  5. here is a little more progress. as you can see, she is coming along slowly, as i have lots of other things on atm. like 6 kids... lol.
  6. Thank you for the response. I have the Dynam Spitfire, 1400mm, and the rear stabilizer is a little larger than scale, which has given it alot of elevator authority, so much so, that at high speed, and 100% rates, she will most likely fold her wings in 2 if you pull up hard. Watching your video of your first flights Kesto, you have alot of aggressive pitching, this is something i want to avoid, (i can adjust the rates and expo) but if i can make it a bit smaller without making her un-flyable it would be a bonus.
  7. Kesto, with your experience flying this spitfire, could i reduce the size of the rear horizontal stabilizer? as it is on the big side? It is way off scale, although i know this bird is not to scale, i would like to reduce it a bit to make it look more scale. Tony.
  8. interesting duke. i may not completely remove the balsa, but being as i have to make holes for the motor wires and cooling air to come through, i will be removing a lot of it, by the way, we are on about the firewall for those who may be a little lost in the conversation.
  9. I agree dukeroger. it is the firewall you see, but the design calls for a 2nd firewall, this will be mounted directly onto the balsa firewall, thus strengthening it. it will be made from lite ply, as will the mounting system, very much the same as Kesto has done. I will post more pictures when i have finished issue 6
  10. Hi guys. Well, progress has been slow here, but i am slowly gaining pace. I am now up to issue 5, but my pictures are a little behind. When i fist got this model. My friend saved it from going into the bin. Unfortunately i was missing the first 15 or 16 issues, But many thanks has to go to Kesto for making a set of paper plans from his parts. This has meant i am able to complete this model, So, i thought about the best way of going ahead. I needed to be able to use the plans, time and time again. So i started to make them into templates. this will allow me to make perfect templates from kesto`s plans. some minor adjustments are required, as it is with any from plan build. But i have to say, so far so good. I am making this mostly out of balsa sheet, i know originally it has lite ply former's, but i will be strengthening up any former that i think may require it, or i may add pieces of fiberglass to the weaker sections. I am not sure yet. The balsa i am using seems very good quality, nice even grain, and uniform density. it is very easy to cut, but i am trying to take my time to get the parts to fit without glue first. Then once i have them in place, i can drop the CA glue on the joints to secure them. More to come soon, as i am now on issue 5 (last picture i think is at issue 3) Thank you. Please feel free to post any recommendations, or comments, all are greatly received.
  11. That is true robertus, but the same can be said for any part work collection. I built the 1/32 lancaster from Hachette, and that was way over priced, but i had fun building it, it took me about 3 years, only because it was overly complicated, and extreamly detailed. But, this will be my first proper balsa build, i tried many years ago to build a control line p-40, and that failed terribly. What advice do you guys have for building this, This goes for how to build, and glues. edit - The post man has just been, and i must say, Kesto, you are truly an amazing person, i was expecting an email, with digital copies of the plans, i was not expecting you to go to such lengths, thank you so much, you have made this project a reality. Once i have got my list of parts, i will be going to my local hobby shop to stock up on balsa, and lite ply. Thank you once again Kesto. I too will be documenting the build like you have, so if i hear of some one else that could be helped with such kindness, i can pay it forward.
  12. Sorry for my absence, ive been very busy recently with work, and children. but i have been doing some research, and found she has a few imperfections. like , the landing gear needs to be raked forward, to prevent nose overs when landing, at slow speed the ailerons do not have much authority, some of the wood is poor quality, and she carries a lot of weight. How much of this is true? I plan on doing retractable landing gear, with some suspension units, and if it is anything like the Dynam Spitfire (which i have) she will need the gear raked forward) I also plan on doing the electric conversion, as petrol is very noisy, and i know i will get nothing but complaints from noise. Are the ailerons an issue? or are they different when you put the servos directly on them like you have Kesto? Poor quality wood will not be an issue, as my local hobby shop is a 3 minute walk away. and they stock a lot of balsa and ply, Weight, i will plan on making her as light as possible, so i may even try my hand at fiber glassing. who knows. I am itching to get on with the build though, but i still need to learn a few things. p.s That video has scared me, 99, i just could not pronounce it correctly.... how do you guys learn 2 languages, i have enough trouble with 1.... lol.
  13. Wow, just wow. that is impressive. i love your attention to detail, the whole plane looks fantastic, and each time you have repaired it, and it still looks fantastic. Amazing plane, well done
  14. thank you for the welcome. @modelarz115 i can use google translate to get a rough idea of what is being said so please do not feel you need to learn english for me
  15. i only got it a few days ago, ive spent all my time trying to find what im missing. it has been very stressful. almost to the point i thought about selling the rest on ebay. but thanks to kesto, when i get the plans, i can get some blasa and plywood to start building pictures will come soon enough, as i intend to take my time with this build.
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